Make a Gift

Season of Giving

The Season of Giving is more than a campaign—it's a heartfelt tradition that brings the IIT Kanpur community together to create lasting impact. This special initiative invites our alumni, donors, and well-wishers to contribute to the growth and advancement of the institute.    read more..

Class of 1974 Legacy Fund

IIT Kanpur has experienced remarkable expansion in recent times, particularly in its student enrollment. Since 1965, the undergraduate population has surged from 1,200 to over 5000, while postgraduate numbers.    read more..

Class Fund 1998

The Class of 1998 has initiated a campaign to contribute to IIT Kanpur's ongoing growth and its visionary plans for the future. Their objective is to raise funds to support the critical needs of the institute

Support for the Gangwal School of Medical Sciences and Technology at IIT Kanpur

IIT Kanpur has a long history of successfully attempting innovative approaches, technology, and projects impacting society at large. One such innovative approach of IIT Kanpur is the Gangwal School of Medical Sciences and Technology in IIT Kanpur    read more..

IITK Silicon Valley Chapter

IIT Kanpur Bay Area Alumni have grown over the years but we are hardly able to interact with folks from other batches. IIT Kanpur Silicon Valley Chapter (IITKSVAA) has a singular mission of connecting all the Bay Area alums (their families) and building a strong IITK community, which can help each other on both professional and personal level. We organize several formal and informal events throughout the year to achieve this. Your support is crucial to our efforts and we need your help to go even further! Your donation will go towards planning various entertaining and informative events over the year to help engage more Alums and their families. Thank you in advance for your contribution.

Distinguished Lecture Series

Distinguished lectures series are aimed at inviting brilliant speakers for delivering stimulating lectures on intriguing topics that are of interest to general audience as well. Presently, the institute hosts around 16 of such lecture series   read more..

Faculty Recruitment Fund

To stay at the pinnacle of teaching and research, attracting young talent from across the globe is crucial. In the past this has been done by providing new faculty with grants/fellowships to boost their research and reward them for their achievements    read more..

Faculty Chair (Instituted By Family & Friends)

Prof. G.D Agarwal

In India, Travel & Tourism Boards, Industries, Educational Institutions, Governments and their people, in their ill-considered enthusiasm for undigested concepts of Progress and Development ,   

C.V. Seshadri Chair

Late Prof. Chetput Venkatasubban Seshadri was a distinguished Indian chemical engineer.CV Seshadri set up CV Seshadri Chair under his name in the year 2008. This Chair can be occupied for a period of three years(May 2019 - April 2022) and it opened to the Department of Chemical Engineering.

Arun Kumar Chair

Late Mr. Arun Kumar (BT/EE/1969) was the President and MD of Flextronics Software Systems. Late Arun Kumar Chair was set up by family members and friends of Mr. Kumar. The Chair is open to all the departments of sciences and engineering and can be occupied for a period of three years. (May 2019 - April 2022)

Class of 1984 Chair

The Chair, instituted by the Class of 1984, is open to all the departments of engineering and sciences and can be occupied for a period of three years.

Golden Jubilee Chair on Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Mr. Sujit Kumar (BT/MT/CE/1992/1994), Founder of Cadland Infortech Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore instituted Golden Jubilee Chair on Entrepreneurship & Innovation. The Chair Professor would help foster Innovative Eco System at IIT Kanpur, along with teaching and research in this domain.

Young Faculty Reserach Fellowship (Instituted By Family & Friends)


Student scholarships are aimed at motivating students to excel in their academic endeavors and also at providing financial assistance to the meritorious and needy students.   

  Student Award / Medal / Prize

The IIT Kanpur recognizes and promotes excellence in academics and extra-curricular activities through institution and award of various types of students awards, prizes, and medals.   

P.K. Kelkar (1984 Batch Fellowship)

Dr. Purushottam Kashinath Kelakar (1909-1990) is best remembered as the founding director of IIT Kanpur, established in 1959. To honor his immense contribution in the field of technical education, the Government of India honored him with Padma Bhushan in 1969.

P.K. Kelkar (1982 Batch Fellowship)

Dr. Purushottam Kashinath Kelakar (1909-1990) is best remembered as the founding director of IIT Kanpur, established in 1959. To honor his immense contribution in the field of technical education, the Government of India honored him with Padma Bhushan in 1969.

Class of 1979 Young Faculty Fellowship

Mr. Alok Agarwal (BT/EE/1979) is the Chief Financial Officer at Reliance Industries. He earned his management degree from IIM Ahmadabad in 1981. Mr. Agarwal instituted the Class of 1979 Young Faculty Fellowship that is open to all the departments of engineering and sciences for a period of three years.

P.K. Kelkar (Class of 1979 Research Fellowship for outstanding Young Faculty)

Mr. Alok Agarwal (BT/EE/1979) is the Chief Financial Officer at Reliance Industries. He earned his management degree from IIM Ahmadabad in 1981. Mr. Agarwal instituted the Class of 1979 Young Faculty Fellowship that is open to all the departments of engineering and sciences for a period of three years

Class of 1973 Young Faculty Fellowship

Class of 1973 instituted the Young Faculty Fellowship that is open to all the departments of engineering and sciences for a period of three years.

P.K. Kelkar (1970 Batch Fellowship)

Dr. Purushottam Kashinath Kelakar (1909-1990) is best remembered as the founding director of IIT Kanpur, established in 1959. To honor his immense contribution in the field of technical education, the Government of India honored him with Padma Bhushan in 1969.

Shiksha Sopan

Shiksha Sopan is a non-governmental organization (NGO) whose purpose is to impart value- based education to economically weaker section of the society.


PRAYAS is an endeavor of IITK students, mainly focussed on providing education to the marginalized kids in and around IITK campus.

Opportunity School

The opportunity school is a community school catering to provide education from classes I to VIII to all underprivileged children in and around IIT Kanpur campus.

Kislaya school

Kislaya' is a non-profit making enterprise for the service of the children. Kislaya school is a pre primary school for the campus kids of age group 3 years to 5 years.

Swami Vivekananda Vidyalaya

Vivekananda Samiti has conducted several activities which include community services like literacy camps and health camps for the underprivileged children in and around the campus.

Maintenance & Upgradation Hall of Residence II

The Hall of Residence No. II for boys was constructed in year 1962-64.

1965 Batch / Class of 1970 Fund to support IIT Kanpur’s Growth and Vision for the Future

In recent years, IITK has seen exponential growth in the student population. The undergraduate count has grown from 1,200 back in 1965 to over 4,000 today, and post graduates have grown from a few hundred to over 3,000.    read more..

Maintenance & Upgradation Hall of Residence III

The Hall of Residence No. III for boys was constructed in year 1962-64

Hall of Residence XIV

Each block shall have the single and double occupancy rooms with common toilets. Single occupancy is about 10.3 Sqm carpet area and double occupancy room is about 15 Sqm carpet area The rooms are proposed to be air-conditioned during night (Non-teaching hours).

Upgradation & Maintenance of P K Kellkar Library

“…it still has, deep inside, vitality and the spirit of adventure”- Prof. Kelkar, 1981

V Srinivasan Memorial Fund

Venkateswaran Srinivasan, an exceptional individual whose brilliance and dedication left an indelible mark on the realms of education and technology, departed from us in Chennai on the 24th of November 2023. An esteemed alumnus of IIT Kanpur's Electrical Engineering Department (Class of 1990), Mr. Srinivasan's illustrious career spanned diverse fields. His tenure as a Physics Faculty at Rani Institute of Scholastic Education in Chennai showcased his expertise in derivatives, indices, and options trading, a testament to his wealth of experience as a self-employed professional since August 2019.   read more..

Sanjeev Shukla Memorial Fund

Sanjeev Shukla (BT/MME/1989, MT/MME/1994) passed away on April 24th, 2021 in Bokaro, Jharkhand. His sudden departure has left us shocked and deeply saddened.

Sonu Agrawal Memorial Chair

In loving memory of our friend Sonu Agrawal: “He was my brother” These beautiful yet agonizing words come not only from a batchmate who was very near and dear to Sonu, but reflect the emotions and memories of everyone in the IITK batch of 1993-1997/1998, which has united in this difficult time of the Covid-19 pandemic to create a faculty chair in the name of their batchmate Late Sonu Agrawal.

Kavindra Kumar Chaturvedi Memorial Fund

Kavindra Kumar Chaturvedi (Enrolled in PhD/2019) was a passionate, hardworking, poetic, and pleasing person who was always ready to extend help to his friends, family, and the underprivileged. He used to continuously strive for betterment and progress

Prof. U B Tewari Memorial Fund

Prof. U.B. Tewari (Maths/PhD/1964), popularly known as UBT, did his bachelor and master's degree from Lucknow University, he joined IIT Kanpur in 1964, as a Ph.D. student and then later moved to University of California Berkeley for a Ph.D in 1967.

Ashok Kumar Memorial Fund

Ashok Kumar (BT/CE/2007) was one of the calmest people one would come across. His infectious smile and gentle talk could soothe every stressful situation.

Dharmender Srivastava Memorial Fund

It is with great sadness we inform you of sudden demise of Mr. Dharmender Srivastava (our beloved Dharmendra-ji), on 31st August, 2020, due to brain hemorrhage.

Ankit Rathore Memorial Fund

Ankit Rathore (BT/ME/2007) was a very passionate and entrepreneurial personality. He was a person striving for improvement in every field of life. Ankit was born and brought up in Agra. He completed his schooling from St. Francis School and Holy Public School, in Agra. In IIT Kanpur, he was always active in campus activities from starting itself.

Anand Gupta Memorial Fund

Anand Prasad Gupta (BT/CE/1989-93) was a wonderful person who always loved to spread happiness with people around him. You could not have a dull moment when he was around. He was a great human being, immensely spontaneous, intensely funny and an amazing friend to so many of us. The time he spent at IIT Kanpur was one of the most precious moments he had.

Avijit Lal Memorial Fund

An illustrious IITian, a loyal & trustworthy friend, a gentle and compassionate human being – all epithets which accurately describe Avijit Lal(BT/MME/2002), who is no more amongst us and whose memory we are seeking to perpetuate.

Departmental Fund

Department of Aerospace Engineering (AE)

Established in 1964, Aerospace Engineering department is a premier teaching and research centre today. The department is engaged in engineering science instruction, in-flight laboratory work, aerodynamic testing, and indigenous design and fabrication of advanced facilities and instruments.

Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering (BSBE)

The department is engaged in cutting-edge research and training in basic biology, biomedical and bioengineering fields. Its aim is to produce quality professionals in modern biology and allied fields who will engage in addressing country’s challenges by advancing the discovery in biology and applying the knowledge that can help to improve the quality of life of the citizens.

Center for Lasers and Photonics - CELP

The center Lasers and Photonics (CELP) is an interdisciplinary center of excellence that combines cutting-edge technology from engineering and theoretical advances in science to create new horizons in the field of photonics science and engineering. .

Department of Chemical Engineering

The Department of Chemical Engineering at IIT Kanpur ranks among the best of the nation and commands very high level of respect both nationally and internationally. Our department has been built over the years by faculty members, who have always been exceptionally hard-working, highly dedicated to research and committed to provide cutting edge knowledge and rigorous training to their students.

Department of Chemistry(CHM)

The Department of Chemistry is one of the premier departments in the country today. Its strength has been and continues to be excellence in research and teaching. The students getting trained in the Integrated M.Sc. programme have a unique background of Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Technical Arts, and Electronics, in addition to Chemistry.

Department of Civil Engineering

The Department of Civil Engineering at IIT Kanpur is producing since 1961, high quality technical manpower needed by industry, R&D organizations, and academic institutions.The Department offers B. Tech., B. Tech. - M. Tech. Dual degree in Civil Engineering, and M.Tech degree in Civil Engineering with six specializations, i.e., Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Geoinformatics, and Engineering Geosciences.

Department of Computer Science Engineering

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT Kanpur) was the first department in India to start Computer Science education. It started in August 1963 with an IBM 1620 system - a novelty then, even in many North American and European universities.

Department of Cognitive Science(CGS)

Cognitive Science is the study of the mind - how it comes to be, what it is, and what it does. Researchers and practitioners in cognitive science come from a variety of conventional academic disciplines.

Department of Design Program

Design Programme offers training for students to synthesize technology and aesthetics in the service of human-needs. The programme encourages creativity, innovation, craftsmanship, and personal expression leading to evolution of products and services in the field of engineering design and visual communications.

Department of Electrical Engineering

Welcome to the Department of Electrical Engineering (EE) at IIT Kanpur. The EE department is one of the oldest departments at IIT Kanpur. It was one of the first five departments with which IIT Kanpur started in 1960.

Department of Earth Sciences

The Department of Earth Sciences at IIT Kanpur focuses on the study of the Earth, encompassing its evolution and internal dynamics, its surface processes, emphasizing natural and human-induced transformations of the terrestrial environment vis-a-vis sustainable development, given the biggest problem we face in terms of rapidly increasing population

Department of Economics Sciences

The Department of Economic Sciences has 15 permanent faculty members with research and teaching interests that cover a broad range of fields.

Department of Environment Engineering & Management

The Environmental Engineering and Management (EEM) Programme at the Department of Civil Engineering is one of the oldest and well recognized academic programmes in environmental management in the country and abroad.

Department of Humanities & Social Sciences

In the era when the Indian Institutes of Technology were founded as centres of excellence, IIT Kanpur took the lead in humanities and social sciences education both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels by integrating these discourses into the engineering curriculum.

Department of Industrial & Management Engineering (IME)

The Department of Industrial & Management Engineering (IME) at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT Kanpur), INDIA was established with the aim of synergizing technology with management in a comprehensive manner so that the knowledge gained may be used for the benefit.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

The Department of Materials Science & Engineering, earlier Materials and Metallurgical Engineering at IIT Kanpur was established in 1960

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

TThe Mathematics and Statistics department shares the vision of the institute of achieving excellence in teaching and research. It has always striven to succeed in this endeavor. Over the years, it has evolved as one of the premier departments in the country providing excellent teaching and research in Mathematical Sciences, including Statistics.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at IIT Kanpur. We started our journey in the year of 1960. Over the last six decades, we have grown our expertise and competence in the core Mechanical Engineering curriculum and research.